Spaghetti Western is a project born of musicians and friends. John Neville and Josh Kimbrough (Mortar & Pestle, Butterflies) started off making quirky, improvised music on Neville's porch in Greensboro, NC, where they both were in school. A bit later, Neville began strumming the guitar and making up lyrics when Kimbrough was unavailable to play. During the steamy summer of 2007, the project truly began to take shape. In July of that year, Neville moved from Greensboro, back to his home-town of Chapel Hill, and teaming up with his band-mate in Embarrassing Fruits, Joe Norkus, began to record. In the fall and winter of 2008, Neville put together his first effort, a six-track piece entitled Of The Ocean. Norkus played drums, bass, and an organ track. Trekky Records co-founder Will Hackney played mandolin on a couple songs. Neville continues to record and play shows as time and energy allow, and is currently working on a follow-up to Of The Ocean. His music is now known under the moniker R. Mutt.